One on One massive Healing & Meditation

One on One massive Healing & Meditation

Ancient Egyptians knew the fact that a geometric design collects and radiates energy, more than ten thousand years ago. They utilized the concept when they built their Pyramids. The Pyramids are storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. 
Mother earth gave us crystals that open our hearts and minds to the divine magnificence within. Crystals have been utilised by many cultures over the centuries in the healing arts.
The sound of the ancient Tibetan Bowl & Chinese Gongs is known to penetrate deeply into all of our bodies cells, and the inner most mind, clearing away all that’s not needed, revealing the radiant and authentic self, allowing you to return to the centre of balance and harmony.
The powerful Dos and The Sacred Cubit Rings are instruments of advanced technology that align us directly with the universal energy that is so important to us. More detailed information on these can be provided by Jasmine at your request.
This innovative one-on-one advanced meditation session is a unique opportunity to have a significant energy boost to take into 2015. During this session Jasmine will guide you through a meditative process that will harness the energy of different tools. This includes:
  • Use of the Dos to cleanse and stabilise each Chakra individually to help shift negativity and emotional blocks in the body. This is a European designed invention, harnessing the power of 56 sacred geometry lines within each Dos, placed all over the body. 
  • Individual meditation in the centre of the Cooper Pyramid, strengthened by surrounding Crystal Pyramids, to develop concentration, enhance self-awareness and protection, and gain access to higher spiritual power and wisdom. 
  • Construction and use of personal Crystal Grid to further align your purpose in life.
  • Gong, Bowl, Drums and Chanting will be used by Jasmine to enhance the experience.
  • Use of Sacred Cubit Rings (from Light-Life Tools) to automatically send you deeper into your meditation, integrate energies and provide you with a strong energy field that will have a lasting influence over the cells in your body and therefore your environment.
During this special session your higher-self and your guardians will further help you to eliminate negative karma, heal specific ailments, and manifest your dreams, depending on the intentions you bring with you. Please put some thought into this in the days leading up to your session.
Please bring two towels or a light blanket. You will need to make sure that you have no other commitments for the rest of the day, as you will need to go straight home and rest.
For the few weeks that follow the session, you may experience different emotions and/or physical sensations. You will need to drink A LOT of water (preferably spring water) and just be aware of this new energy. 
This powerful experience will immediately take you to a new level of understanding and experience in life.
                  Please see date and time options available and booking.
Length:    2.5-3 hours
Contact:      Jasmine  Wei
                  0483 336 341      

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