关于Jasmine Wei
Jasmine, who has shown a keen interest in spirituality since her childhood, is now a master in Zen and Tibet Buddhism with more than fifteen years’ experience. Furthermore, she is the only bilingual Chinese-English therapist with formal qualifications in crystal therapy, sound healing, hypnotism and Reiki. After more than 20 years working in this field, she has created a unique healing style through the combination of Zen, fasting, Chinese medicine, Reki, crystal and sound healing into one coherent system. Believing in the harmony between humankind and heaven, Jasmine uses sound, visual, light and magnetic effects together with Reiki to enable her clients to feel at peace in mind and body.
Jasmine Wei自幼修行,浸沁于禅修及藏密十余年,造诣颇深。同时,她是全澳洲唯一一位持证华人双语水晶治疗师、专业催眠师、西藏颂钵治疗师和Reiki导师/灵气持证治疗师。Jasmine博采众家之长,把禅修、辟谷、中医、灵气治疗、水晶治疗、西藏钵鸣疗法以及其他多种自然疗法融会贯通,形成了一套独一无二的养生体系和治疗风格。她秉承天人合一的宗旨,利用声、色、光、能量、磁场等玄妙手段,由内而外,从里到表,助人去顽疾,保青春,美容颜,清思虑,洗涤身心,健体养神。
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